[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Course unit” color=”#7b89b6″ background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Lab Project in Intelligent Data Analysis
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Coordination” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]Cristina Costa Santos [/ms_accordion_item]
[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Intended learning outcomes of the curricular unit” color=”#7b89b6″ background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
This unit intends to place the students in a problem-oriented learning scenario, developing a laboratory project in health intelligent data analysis, preparing their skills in carrying out research in this area, applying the knowledge acquired in the other units.
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[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Syllabus” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Contents to be defined in each edition through discussion and close coordination with entities associated with the program through research projects or labor contract with the students. These institutions will be research units, healthcare institutions or industry. The choice of problems in the area of intelligent data analysis that will be developed in the laboratory project will be made in each edition of this curricular unit, taking into account not only the profile and interests of the students, but also the topics that at the moment are considered to be the most relevant in the area. The problems to solve may involve the analysis of time-to-event (death, diagnosis of disease, relapse, etc …), big data analysis, analysis of longitudinal data, etc.
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s intended learning outcomes” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Given that the main learning objective of the unit is the acquisition of skills and practical behaviors in health intelligent data analysis, the use of problems identified by external research and/or healthcare institutions, and industry will create the best learning experience for the students.
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Teaching methodologies” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Laboratory practice sessions for project development. Evaluation through the presentation of the final project (100%).
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and learning outcomes” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
The practical interaction in a laboratory environment allows students to consolidate the most advanced scientific concepts. Through direct discussion with faculty members of the program, students will also develop skills and mainly adjust behaviors that allow them to integrate these new methods into the daily practice of research.
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Main bibliography” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Berthold, M., & Hand, D. J. (2003). Intelligent Data Analysis. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.