[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Course unit” color=”#7b89b6″ background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Bioethics and Legislation
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Coordination” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]Rui Nunes [/ms_accordion_item]
[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Intended learning outcomes of the curricular unit” color=”#7b89b6″ background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Know the fundamental principals of ethics in clinical and health services research.
Debate the fundamental ethicall issues health research
Submitt protocolls to Ethical committees
Debate the connection between Ethics and helthcare costs
Analyse the fundamental issues in biolaw;
Satisfye the legal and ethical requirements to thwe development of a a health research proect
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[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Syllabus” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Fundamental principals of ethics in clinical and health services research.
Ethics in the patient-physician relationship.
Ethics in Clinical Research and Experiments.
Ethics in animal research.
Ethical dilemmas in genetics and human reproduction.
Research in vulnerable groups
Ethical committees.
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s intended learning outcomes” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
The syllabus allow students to learn the law applicable to ethical issues in the field of research in Health, fundamental ethical principles underlying ethical issues in this area of research, connection between ethical issues and economic factors and the fundamental principles of biolaw. The syllabus also allows students to critically analyse the application of legal and ethical principles to health research, developing skills that allow them to design, submit and implement research projects in this area in accordance to ethical principles and applicable legislation
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Teaching methodologies” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Theoreticalexposition of each topic described for the course;
Literature review;
Individual and group assignments;
Group discussion;
Using an optimized platform for e-learning for teaching the topics taught in the course.
Evaluation methodology:
Distributed evaluation with final exam. The evaluation will be conducted using practical exercises (50%) and a final exam (50%).
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and learning outcomes” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
The theoretical exposition and review of the literature allows students to know and understand the laws, principles and ethical issues in health research area, including aspects related to Biolaw and cost-effectiveness. Group discussions develops competeências to analyse critically the ethical and legal issues in health research.
The demonstration and individual and group assignments allowsstudents to apply the acquired knowledge in practical situations, design, submit and implement research projects in health, regarding the legal and ethical issues.
The e-learning platform improves communication among students and between them and the teachers, and the provision of teaching materials.
The final exam evaluates the acquisition of theoretical concepts. The assessment through practical exercises allows to evaluate the ability to apply theoretical concepts to practical situations.3000 characters
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Main bibliography” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Beauchamp, T. & Childress, J. (2013). Principles of Biomedical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press
Serrão, D. & Nunes, R.(1999). Ética em Cuidados de Saúde. Porto: Porto Editora
Nunes, R. & Rego, G. (2002). Prioridades na Saúde. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill
Nunes R. GeneÉtica. Coimbra, Almedina, 2015
Nunes R. Ensaios em Bioética. Brasília, Conselho Federal de Medicina, 2017
Ricou, Miguel; Sá, Eduardo & Nunes, Rui (2017). The Ethical Principles of the Portuguese Psychologists: A Universal Dimension. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 42, 2, 199-213