[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Course unit” color=”#7b89b6″ background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Statistical Modeling
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[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””]
[ms_accordion_item title=”Coordination” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]Cristina Costa Santos [/ms_accordion_item]

[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Intended learning outcomes of the curricular unit” color=”#7b89b6″ background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
– Explain the theoretical and practical foundations to the application of advanced statistical methods applied to clinical, health services and health technologies assessment research;
– Perform logistic regression, survival analysis and longitudinal data analysis;
– Interpret results of logistic regression, survival analysis and longitudinal studies;
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[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Syllabus” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
– Logistic regression analysis.
– Survival analysis.
– Longitudinal data analysis;
– Causality.
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s intended learning outcomes” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
The syllabus provides students with necessary concepts to understand, apply and iinterpret results of advanced statistical analysis (logistic regression, survival analysis , longitudinal data analysis) applied to the areas of clinical research, health services research and health technologies assessment.

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[ms_accordion_item title=”Teaching methodologies” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Teaching methodologies:
– Presentation of each theoretical topic described for the course ;
– Resolution of practical exercises;
– Individual and group resolution of practical exercises ;
– Group discussion of the exercises solved individually ;
– Using an optimized platform for e -learning for teaching the topics taught in the course .
Evaluation methodology: Distributed evaluation with final exam . The evaluation will be conducted using practical exercises (50 %) and a final exam ( 50%).

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[ms_accordion_item title=”Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and learning outcomes” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
The presentation of theoretical topics allows students to know and understand the teoretical and practical fundamentals of the aplication of advanced statistical methods adapted to the aims of the clinical research, health services research and health technologies assessment.
The exercices solving demosntration and the individual and group resolution of exercise provides insight to apply different methodologies to specific problems. Group discussions foster the development of critical spirit. The e-learning platform improves communication among students and between them and the teachers, and the provision of teaching materials.
The final exam evaluates the acquisition of theoretical concepts. The assessment through practical exercises evaluate the students’ ability to apply theoretical concepts to practical situations.

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[ms_accordion_item title=”Main bibliography” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Kleinbaum, David G.; Klein, Mitchel (2012), Survival analysis: A Self-learning text (Third ed.), Springer,
Hosmer, David W.; Stanley Lemeshow (2000). Applied Logistic Regression, 2nd ed. [S.l.]: New York; Chichester, Wiley.
Donald Hedeker, Robert D. Gibbons.(2006) Longitudinal Data Analysis. Wiley