[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Course unit” color=”#7b89b6″ background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Health Data Management
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Coordination” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]Pedro Marques
Ana Margarida Ferreira[/ms_accordion_item][/ms_accordion]
[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Intended learning outcomes of the curricular unit” color=”#7b89b6″ background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
This curricular unit aims to explore the various dimensions of health data management from storage to its analysis and its impact on the development of interoperable health information systems. In this sense, it is hoped that competences will be acquired in the knowledge and domain of relevant norms and standards for the storage and communication of health information, promoting the importance of including measuresguaranteeing data quality that allow not only traditional use, but also the strengthening of the role of the user in access to data and its secondary use.
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[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Syllabus” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Standards and their need in health informatics
Models of Health Information Systems
Types of interoperability: syntactic, semantic, and organizational or business
Coding standards
Information modeling standards e.g. openEHR
Clinical documentation standards: CCR, 13606-1, CDA
Health communication standards: HL7v2.x, HL7v3, FHIR, DICOM, ISO 13606
Principles of Data Quality
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s intended learning outcomes” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Being relevant to the development of health information systems that guarantee an approach where data longevity and the possibility of its long-term use are assured, the syllabus of this curricular unit focus on the main technologies that currently present themselves as having an important role In the pursuit of syntactically and semantically interoperable systems promoting collection, organization, storage and communication by ensuring the quality of data and its cross-cutting access to the various actors involved in the provision of health care.
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Teaching methodologies” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Theoretical-practical classes with presentation and discussion of topics, group and individual exercises
Presentations by guests
Individual assignment to use the taught standards
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and learning outcomes” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Theoretical-practical classes are adequate to impart knowledge about standards/norms and models of health data management and allow the development of competences and behaviors necessary to integrate these norms and models into professional practice and research work. Guest presentations promote understanding of the practical application of knowledge and skills acquired in real context. Individual assignments allow students to train new acquired skills, which encourages their internalization.
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[ms_accordion_item title=”Main bibliography” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]
Shortliffe E, Cimino J. Biomedical Informatics – Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine. 4th ed: Springer; 2014